Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Look at me

Can you see me? Not my skin, my hair or my IQ...But me, the person with the shell.
The soul who feels, who lives. Who want to be given a chance to be seen, unjudged, not covered with biases and stereotypes.

I could say, feel and act and no one would judge my actions, by their idea of what is right, what is standard. No more wishing to be seen as who I really am but finally visiable.

Free. Free to speak my mind, share my thoughts, act like a fool and feel no regret. No gossip and predisposd ideas attached to me.

I will be me and I will be seen. If only you would really look, not through me, not at my outside but at me, my soul. At who I am, who I want to be and who we could be together...

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