Monday, March 7, 2011


The animals are sleeping
they dream of politics and sex
of their mother in the hospital
of their son constant struggle with drugs
the cold smile of truth and guilt.

The animals are talking
they whisper and snicker
gossiping about who did what and who did who
lips spill poisons,
bile and vile drops of blood.

The animals are working
hardly moving at all
they watch to see whose watching them
working only the amount needed to get by
hating those who are striving to reach gold
tears and sweat poring from their brows.

The animals are sinning
they are slothful
wrathful, greedy, and envious
using lust to get ahead and satisfying their basic urges
their eyes glitter with the gold of desire
avarice has taken hold
and the food they stuff into mouths overflows
not hunger but gluttony rules their minds.

The animals are here
they rule the world
destroying habitats and nature
taking, taking, taking
and forgetting
to give back.

The Animals are here.
They are Man.

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